Making Your Garden A Beautiful Place

Do you want to improve your yard and grow a gorgeous garden? Learn gardening tips and tricks to keep your plants growing.

How to Know It Is Time to Have Your House Locks Replaced

10 November 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

It is important to make sure that you are replacing the locks on your house doors as soon as it is needed, as this will help you avoid poor security in the future. To help you determine when it is time to have the locks on your house doors replaced, you will want to read through the following signs. The Key Gets Stuck Your house key should be able to slide in and out of the door lock without any problems. Read More …

Choosing The Right Window Treatment For Your Historic Home

23 August 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you're in the process of restoring an old house to its former glory, the finishing touches and decorative details make all the difference when it comes to reflecting the true era of your home. One of the main ways you can make a nod to your home's history is by choosing window treatments that are authentic to its age. Here are some basic style guidelines that can help you know which window treatment will be most appropriate for your old house. Read More …

3 Ways to Enhance the Visual Life of Your New Office Furniture

4 August 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Articles

It makes sense to choose function over design when it comes to investing in new office furniture for your business. Ergonomic options and supportive designs will help minimize body aches and the development of problems such as carpal tunnel among your employees. But just because you're going for function doesn't mean you have to give up on style. The following tips and tricks will help you enhance the visual aesthetics of your new office furniture: Read More …

5 Reasons To Consider A Metal Roof

4 August 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Articles

Whether you're building a brand-new home or replacing an old roof on your existing house, choosing your roofing material is a very important (and difficult) decision. A new roof is also a large financial commitment, so it pays to make the right choice. Many homeowners overlook metal roofing without learning much about it, which is unfortunate because metal roofing is actually a very versatile building material with many benefits. Here are six major reasons to consider metal roofing: Read More …

When Opposites Attract: Interior Design Tips For Newlyweds

4 August 2016
 Categories: , Articles

According to Statistic Brain, there are approximately 2,077,000 marriages each year. If you're a newlywed and merging households with your new spouse, chances are there at several pieces that you're not crazy about. Instead of getting into your first official fight as man and wife, learn to compromise while you both express your individual styles. Here are a few tips to help you decorate your home as newlyweds: Take an Inventory of Everything You Have Read More …

About Me
Making Your Garden A Beautiful Place

I have never been one of those people who loves to spend time outside, but when I purchased a home, I wanted a gorgeous garden. I didn't want to risk the value of my property dwindling because of issues with a few simple details, so I focused on feeding my plants, improving their watering schedule, and avoiding some of the pests that were damaging my friends' and neighbors' lawns. If you have ever wondered how to create gardens that grow without a lot of care or long, lush, lawns, this blog is for you. Read more about home and garden topics here.